*Brian Cashin
The president presides at all meetings of the Club and supervises and coordinates the duties of all other officers. Also acts as Chief spokesperson for the Club in all dealings with the public or other sports car clubs.
*Robert Voskian
Assists the President in the performance of duties and shall act in place of the President in the event of the President’s absence, disability or disqualification. Responsible for seeing that programs are planned for all meetings.
*Doug Wilson
Shall have custody of all monies, debts, obligations, and assets of the Club. All disbursements must have approval of the membership. The Treasurer shall keep the club’s books of account on a fiscal year beginning January 1. A financial report shall be provided at each regular meeting of the club.
*Rajna Kecojevic
The secretary is an officer of the club who holds a seat on the Board of Directors. The Secretary maintains minutes of board meetings and membership meetings, and, together with the President, is responsible for the sending, receiving and maintaining official communications to and from the club.
*Laurel Townsend (Membership Chair) info@derpca.com
*Jim Mcdonough (Nominating Committee) info@derpca.com
*Kevin Karnes (Webmaster) info@derpca.com
*Jennifer Reagan (Social Chair/Volunteer Coordinator) info@derpca.com
*Roderic Carr (Driver Education Chair) info@derpca.com
* Brian Cashin (Dealership Liaison) info@derpca.com
*Stan Roth (Member at Large) info@derpca.com
* David Kelly (Member at Large) info@derpca.com
Rhad Davis (Social Media Chair) info@derpca.com
David Kennedy (By-laws Review Chair) info@derpca.com
* Represents voting member position
For any information concerning the DER by-laws, please submit request to: info@derpca.com